Finding Rest for Our Souls

Finding Rest for Our Souls

Monday, June 26, 2023

by Jim Gaston

We in America would do well to consider Jeremiah 6:16 - even though it was directed towards the ancient Israelites: "Ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way, and walk therein, and you will find rest for your souls." Today more than ever in American history, people are trying to find rest for their souls. It seems the further from Biblical truth that society strays, the worse things get. Yet, we don't want to be told the realities of humanity. Society proudly proclaims, "MY truth is MY truth," and demands we accept the destruction of the culture that previously united us.

As a country and a community, I believe most people want to better their surroundings. It is the methods of how we pursue that goal that make us different and causes controversy. Consider that if each person now has their own truth, there is no God. If there is no God, why not openly practice and celebrate murder, theft, and rape if we ignore other foundational virtues? If there is no God and no absolutes, there is no purpose in humanistic efforts. Society is not progressing if we reject the truth from God's Word. When lies are pushed onto society under the cover of redefining absolutes, there will be controversy, and no one wants controversy.

Long before woke ever became a term or an agenda, society was much more peaceful. Long before social crusaders felt the need to prohibit prayer in schools, erase God from the public square, censor free speech, and tear down monuments, America was more stable. Traditional families were fostered; not marginalized. Historical, proven science was lived. Morality was not perfect but was at a higher standard than today. Common sense and God's absolutes solved our problems. No minority group was attempting to hijack culture and force lies onto everyone through regulation, cancel culture, and intimidation. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and "Live and let live" were prevailing mindsets. Our country remembered the old paths that echoed through history proving that God's truth is best. America thrived.

Jesus still tells us, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." All of us are born into sin and deserve God's wrath, but Jesus took that punishment for us. Jesus told the truth that every person must repent of their sins and trust in Him. Sin has consequences. He told the harsh truth about our sins to the point that people hated Him for it. The people of Jesus's time hated Him speaking the truth so much that they killed Him for it, yet He rose from the grave to conquer death for those who believe His truth. Jesus offers us peace and rest not because of "His truth," but because He is the ONLY truth unto salvation. John 14:6.

Nobody is going to force someone to believe or accept God's ways, but Jesus desires that all would repent and follow Him. Today, God's truth is being attacked and twisted into man's fallible ideas. Previous civilizations have shown us that without God's truth, society will crumble. Christians still struggle with sin and are in constant need of God's grace, but Christians are commanded by God to defend His truth. Biblical truth can be defended without forcing it onto others as the world forces its false ideology onto us. John Calvin said, "A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw God's truth attacked and remained silent." As a society, it would behoove us to return to the old paths where we find God's good ways and find rest for our souls. The current path of lies, deteriorating morality, and pride are creating instability and turmoil. We all seem to know something is wrong, even if we refuse to admit it or question ourselves.
