It's Time to Consider Decentralization

It's Time to Consider Decentralization

Monday, May 1, 2023

by Jim Gaston

Without truth, civilization will fail. America is no longer filled with truth; we are a failing empire just like the prior British, Romans, and Soviets whether we want to admit it or not. The problem is misinformed people throughout the country. For too long Democrats, Republicans, and Independents have voted based on emotions and superficial things like leader's personalities rather than being engaged intellectually on the issues affecting our lives. We have allowed biased media to spoon-feed us falsehoods that rarely deal with legitimate, constitutional government.

The vast majority of Americans cannot tell you the difference between the 4th Amendment and the 10th Amendment, or more importantly that America is a self-governing republic and NOT a democracy of mob rule. We ignorantly believe lying politicians and lying media rather than use common sense and trust in God. Too much bread and circus cloud our judgment. The ruling elite leverage our apathy for their selfish gain. From both sides of the aisle, they prey upon the people's unquenchable desire for security. The majority of voters have been fooled into believing it's the government's job to regulate, intrude, and manipulate every aspect of our lives. The Constitution be damned. Many in the electorate welcome this intervention instead of repelling it by choosing freedom. All of us are responsible for this current chaos because we do not learn from true history and have failed to uphold constitutional government. When the rule of law is abandoned along with any remaining morality, then we will always get the government we deserve. Americans claim to want principled leaders, yet we have no consistency when our emotions guide us as a society.

The solution?  We must pursue freedom and decentralization.  Intellectual solutions; not political nonsense.  Our founders never intended a population of over 325+ million people to be ruled by a handful of toadies in a corrupted, centralized city.  Just as the 13 colonies decentralized from Great Britain and Texas decentralized from Mexico, and countless other successful examples from around the world, so too must we start considering decentralization in America.  With America’s diverse population, there can never be one size fits all.  That method only leads to poverty and tyranny.  State’s Rights, individual freedom with responsibility, and free markets are what made America great in the past.  We can return to those proven truths if the people were willing to think for themselves rather than being controlled by an establishment religion of politics.   

It was the cunning political hack and now a myth, Abraham Lincoln, who once said as a candidate, “Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.  Any portion of such people, that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit." Of course, Lincoln the hypocrite didn't keep to this universal Jeffersonian principle and made war on fellow Americans in sovereign States to enrich his big government/corporatist cronies. The rest has become the twisted history of a failing collectivist society in modern America.

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