Macon County FY 23-24 Budget (Part 1)

Macon County FY 23-24 Budget (Part 1)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

by Brian Walker

Being able to observe this year’s Macon County FY23-24 Budget Process – from understanding the various sources of incoming revenue to gaining a better awareness of the multiple expenditures (the operational and spending plans for all county government agencies and programs) has been an extremely educational experience. In absolute candor, I have never observed our county’s leadership execute this process before. As a result, I have gained tremendous respect and appreciation for the staff and Commissioners involved.

A month ago, on May 23, 2023, Derek Roland, Macon County Manager, presented a recommended FY23-24 Budget (Macon County, NC FY 2023-2024 Recommended Budget). The recommended FY23-24 Budget – $64,566,978 – represents the actual cost of providing services to the citizens of Macon County and encompasses salaries and equipment to provide these services. Can all expenditures be forecasted?... of course not, but the budget represents the best effort of Macon County Departments, working with Mr. Roland, to identify their upcoming expenses. While small, unforeseen expenses can certainly add up over the course of a year, every attempt should be made to identify and plan for capital expenditures (expenses exceeding $5,000 with a service life exceeding 1 year).

Over the next series of articles, I will make every effort to communicate the information, and parliamentary process I observed in this journey. In addition, I will compare the Macon County FY23-24 Budget to adjacent counties, as well as an analysis of our budget over the past 10-year period. It’s my goal to help someone (in my shoes) better understand how local government collects and spends its taxpayer’s money.
