Principle Over Personalities Within the Macon County GOP

Principle Over Personalities Within the Macon County GOP

Monday, July 10, 2023

by Jim Gaston

Ernest Benn said, "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." Recently, the Macon County GOP has been a topic of conversation for anyone who might have an interest in personalities, however, the substance of the Macon GOP has remained solidly conservative during any ups and downs. Of course, we can argue over the definition of social and fiscal conservatism in today's climate, but all things considered, most Republicans in WNC can agree that excessive and intrusive government should be challenged at every opportunity. We love and defend essential liberty and States' rights according to the 10th Amendment. That all individuals are sovereign according to the 9th Amendment and should not be forced to sacrifice our values or hard-earned money for the subjective agendas of government/corporate elites and woke bureaucrats. We honor the entire Constitution, fair and transparent democracy, and free markets in this current chaos America finds itself. In the course of human events where political parties will always have some level of conflict from within, there is far more that unites local Republicans than divides us.

In light of any so-called controversy within the Macon GOP, let it be known that this writer speaks solely for himself and not for the Macon County GOP or any publication. Besides, my opinions don't count for much anyway. In the past few months, multiple individuals from all sides of the conservative spectrum have made accusations only to be labeled by other GOP members from multiple viewpoints. Each of us might have differing interpretations, but all of us share the blame for misunderstandings and alignments based on personalities instead of principles. Unfortunately, that is to be expected in the ugly business of politics as minor internal division is nothing new, especially in a national GOP that is far, far from perfect.

The large turnout and positive conversations at the Macon GOP sponsored July 4 Cookout were very encouraging. A fun time was had by all and the many volunteers should be commended for making it happen. It appears that most everyone is ready to be done with the trivial in-fighting in order to now concentrate on defending American ideals from domestic enemies (including but not limited to the Democrat/Communist machine) that plague our society. I would encourage everyone who has been active in the GOP to redouble their efforts. Anyone who values conservatism but has not been involved, should become active now. Conservatives must prove to the political world that we successfully coalesce around principles regardless of personalities. With so much at stake in the upcoming 2024 elections, WNC Republicans can no longer be distracted by media hacks, disingenuous ex-mayors, or anyone else with an axe to grind. It's time we pursue common goals of real conservatism.

Nevertheless, WNC Republicans can be proud of leaders who are carrying the banner of conservatism. Macon County is especially fortunate to have the likes of Senator Corbin, Representative Gillespie, a conservative majority commissioner's board as well as Sheriff Holbrooks just to name a few who are dedicated to upholding genuine conservatism. These men are on the front lines in today's battle against leftists destroying the fiscal and social fabric of our self-governing republic. Conservatives will continue to disagree on multiple issues as did America's founders, but that is simply democracy in action. It is each of our responsibilities to guard against being unduly influenced by our emotions or egos. Today's voters and magistrates should be solidly grounded in the rule of law seeking intellectual solutions rather than political charades based solely on personalities or associations. Furthermore, there is a very real danger in WNC since this area is a stronghold of conservative voters. This danger is minority liberals realizing they cannot win against Republicans, so they infiltrate the system as a Republican or Unaffiliated in order to weaken the impact of true conservatives and our values. This has been evident in attempts to raid the public treasury or alter social institutions for special interest groups and personal gain in the name of good intentions. There is nothing wrong with vetting any leader, magistrate, or candidate claiming to be conservative or questioning their intentions vs. the official Republican platform. After all, these people answer directly to the voters and should expect to be questioned, praised, or criticized any day of the week.

At the end of the day, conservatives must put our differences aside to defend our families, private property, and our beloved state of North Carolina against a tyrannical government and NGOs hellbent on controlling America with a corrupted mentality and unconstitutional edicts. With so much orchestrated chaos created by a lying media and federal bureaucracy, conservatives must remain vigilant and properly informed of all fiscal, historical, and social issues rather than simply joining a popularity contest. This approach is key to preserving liberty for future generations. Even though politics will always find trouble everywhere and many times apply the wrong remedies, the local Republican party in Macon Co. must continue to be one vehicle of many to accomplish those goals of defending our WNC and American way of life. May God help us be true conservatives unafraid of speaking out while putting principle over personalities and even principle over party.
